
Hey there, My name's Sharan, a small town kid from India, lots of hobbies, check my profile out for more info on me... as for this blog its something I do for fun and topics are random.. like, share and subscribe, but most importantly... NJOY :)


Monday, 23 July 2012

All For Just A Cake~

Ohk, so it was the 23rd july 2012, the eve of our freshers party in college.... the party we give to our juniors after joining..

so skipping the lil details like who ragged who and the name of the new hot chick in town i'll hop right on to give emphasis on the title..

before that... umm i'm a student of a not so popular institution named "Bishop Appasamy College Of Arts And Science".. short (BACAS), .. i know , i know.. i find the 'Appasamy' part a little weird too ;P well what can i say,.. aren't we all a little weird =D ... so anyways,

me and one of my batch mate went for ordering some knick knacks for tomorrows fiesta.. for 90 students we ordered accordingly with the menu being not so varied but sufficient consisting of  veg rolls and stuff from the snacks genre and drinks varying from coke to miranda and sprite... so thats not all... The delicacy from the title is yet to hit the joint.. The CAKE ~ .. damned one though :P

yea so we had to order around 5 kgs of cake... flavor not specified.. !
and out of all these dramas and running around for nicks we figured why not flick some department money to satisfy our personal needs.. so anyways that's secondary lol :P

Ohk so anyways like i said the flavor was not specified and the only available flavor was butterscotch.. <3
we informed the department the news and got the green signal to buy it..
now it seems that our department.. BBM IInd Year.. doesn't like butterscotch. and this tiff over a flavor mis-choice led to a so called brawl... hell i was not there to witness the whole of it... guess it might be continued tomorrow... anyways among all this... the question rests on .. "why the hell is the second years concerned about the flavor of the cake whereas the party is for the freshers and the 1st years ain't complaining...? " .. ~

LOL answers will be accepted... funny one's are a must xD :P

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