
Hey there, My name's Sharan, a small town kid from India, lots of hobbies, check my profile out for more info on me... as for this blog its something I do for fun and topics are random.. like, share and subscribe, but most importantly... NJOY :)


Monday, 23 July 2012


Ever wondered what the world’s best antidote for loneliness is  ????

Oh!! Come on u know it……

Its friendship,

The magic aura that you call upon when ur lonely or when everybody leaves you..  

it is the medicine which cures most of the diseases that makes u wonder that u’r existence on this world is useless. Friendship inculcates in us the magic of love which in turn inculcates in us the presence of god deep within our souls. Friends that help u to bridge the gap between loneliness and life are a gift from god or god himself in the form of a mortal human, sent or brought to us by the power of destiny to help us find the true meaning of our being..

In the world we know that that our parents and relatives love us b,coz’ we r of relation to them, but being loved by friends who r of no relation is a blessing or u can call it bliss, who in the end b’come an inseparable family.
That golden arm and shoulder which is given to us to lean on and express our feelings openly without the fear of screwing up anything is the shoulder of a friend who accepts you for what u r……
There r a lot of priceless things in the world such as love, friends, hope, etc... But the most precious one must and always will be friendships which can only b measured with the depth of the heart and width of the arms…..
The person who discovers all the priceless gifts the world has to offer becomes one with the world and god and continues the natural cycle of life with the person they care for.

Give This A Thought :)


  1. Hey Interesting, I have included your blog in one of my blogs dedicated exclusively for Coimbatore Bloggers

    1. hey thanks :) that means a lot Mr. Sridhar... i could use some followers and some more hype from my blogs :) I'll try my best .. thanks again :)
