
Hey there, My name's Sharan, a small town kid from India, lots of hobbies, check my profile out for more info on me... as for this blog its something I do for fun and topics are random.. like, share and subscribe, but most importantly... NJOY :)


Tuesday 24 July 2012

A Party Full Of Wacky Appetite's xD

This post is in continuance to the last post "All For Just A Cake~"

Ohk so today was the D Day... the day of the much awaited freshers party... energy and excitement flowing here and there... as well as highly prestigious and equally egoistic students of the ~BBM~ department...

As the final preparations for the arrangement were going on it was only a matter of seconds before the freshers entered the MCA seminar hall..

Tick tock the clock went as it reached the final beats on the seconds finger.. preparations under check... decorations, refreshments, agenda, prayer song and group songs.. all of it .. ~ DONE!!

First of was the prayer song and then commenced the program.. the program was then started of with the introduction of the first years, with some supervised ragging taking place in the form of lot games... making them do funny stuff which they would never do normally...

Anyways no one seemed interested in the intro.. ~which was quite boring to be frank~ ... instead the seniors.. our batch the 2 years were more and hard heartily interested in the lump of 5 kgs hoarded on the bench .. the friggin awesome butterscotch Cake~ xD

With all honors I'll re-view the menu for today.. there was veg rolls, ice~cream, Cold drinks and cake.... with such a lot of items the things that reached the first years stomach were a handful of stuff.. namely one piece of cake, one glass of Mirinda, and one ice cream each... the rest .... lol was consumed by us... second years... everybody gorged down on the delicacies as if there was no tomorrow... xD

I'm not gonna lie to you guys but hahaha i was among them too... :P I couldn't stand the delicacies pulling my eyes towards it out of my sockets so instead i pulled the edibles inside my stomach :P ...

...and among the commotion there were guys flicking ice cream units and Mirinda bottles... it was of no suprise to me.... see I was among them too... lol so with out revealing too much of what I did I'll conclude by bringing up the same question I put up yesterday in my post ~All For Just A Cake~

"why the hell is the second years concerned about the flavor of the cake whereas the party is for the freshers and the 1st years ain't complaining...? " .. ~

Guess i found out the answer behind it today itself :P

" because we friggin paid money for all of the stuff"~ :P

Problem First Years... xD

Peace out xD

Monday 23 July 2012


Ever wondered what the world’s best antidote for loneliness is  ????

Oh!! Come on u know it……

Its friendship,

The magic aura that you call upon when ur lonely or when everybody leaves you..  

it is the medicine which cures most of the diseases that makes u wonder that u’r existence on this world is useless. Friendship inculcates in us the magic of love which in turn inculcates in us the presence of god deep within our souls. Friends that help u to bridge the gap between loneliness and life are a gift from god or god himself in the form of a mortal human, sent or brought to us by the power of destiny to help us find the true meaning of our being..

In the world we know that that our parents and relatives love us b,coz’ we r of relation to them, but being loved by friends who r of no relation is a blessing or u can call it bliss, who in the end b’come an inseparable family.
That golden arm and shoulder which is given to us to lean on and express our feelings openly without the fear of screwing up anything is the shoulder of a friend who accepts you for what u r……
There r a lot of priceless things in the world such as love, friends, hope, etc... But the most precious one must and always will be friendships which can only b measured with the depth of the heart and width of the arms…..
The person who discovers all the priceless gifts the world has to offer becomes one with the world and god and continues the natural cycle of life with the person they care for.

Give This A Thought :)

All For Just A Cake~

Ohk, so it was the 23rd july 2012, the eve of our freshers party in college.... the party we give to our juniors after joining..

so skipping the lil details like who ragged who and the name of the new hot chick in town i'll hop right on to give emphasis on the title..

before that... umm i'm a student of a not so popular institution named "Bishop Appasamy College Of Arts And Science".. short (BACAS), .. i know , i know.. i find the 'Appasamy' part a little weird too ;P well what can i say,.. aren't we all a little weird =D ... so anyways,

me and one of my batch mate went for ordering some knick knacks for tomorrows fiesta.. for 90 students we ordered accordingly with the menu being not so varied but sufficient consisting of  veg rolls and stuff from the snacks genre and drinks varying from coke to miranda and sprite... so thats not all... The delicacy from the title is yet to hit the joint.. The CAKE ~ .. damned one though :P

yea so we had to order around 5 kgs of cake... flavor not specified.. !
and out of all these dramas and running around for nicks we figured why not flick some department money to satisfy our personal needs.. so anyways that's secondary lol :P

Ohk so anyways like i said the flavor was not specified and the only available flavor was butterscotch.. <3
we informed the department the news and got the green signal to buy it..
now it seems that our department.. BBM IInd Year.. doesn't like butterscotch. and this tiff over a flavor mis-choice led to a so called brawl... hell i was not there to witness the whole of it... guess it might be continued tomorrow... anyways among all this... the question rests on .. "why the hell is the second years concerned about the flavor of the cake whereas the party is for the freshers and the 1st years ain't complaining...? " .. ~

LOL answers will be accepted... funny one's are a must xD :P

Saturday 21 July 2012


School as we all know is an institution set up by the educated dreamers of the world whose heart are burning with the passion for imparting the ever powerful energy, known as KNOWLEDGE.
School is that place where the common, rich and poor alike send their children to fulfill the basic need of developing, and utilizing the 4 terabyte capacity of the human brain to the best possible use…
I like many others have had the privilege of going to school and being a part of the development project which aims at making an impenetrable wall of qualified candidates for the betterment of society and the future of the country…..

I should say that my first day at school was a bit nerve wracking but I got through it just fine…
It was a fine day and my mom dropped me of and held my hand till we got in and I should say that I cried like crazy on the first day for fear of being alone…J

It was the first time I was left alone in someone else’s custody…..the teachers to be precise.
As it was the first day the teachers left us alone and told us to make friends and socialize so that we go familiarize with the school surroundings. I was terrified with the new surroundings, practically I spent the whole day crying and sitting secluded from other students. The only thing that came to my mind was the fact of going home and sitting by my mother and father’s side.

But I was lucky to find a friend on that dreadful day who shared my pain as it was her first day also. The moment she came and offered her hands to take me out to play on the schools recreation centre, my heart beat softly and I was calm, I had finally made a friend on the first day. Now she and I are the best of friends and together we overcame the first day at school. We played on the slides and on the see-saw, and played hide and seek and stone paper scissors. It was more fun than I had imagined and as we were having fun we also made a few more friends in the process. We drew with crayons and played doctor-doctor.

I had a lot of fun on the first day and when it was time to go home my mother came to pick me up and I was so happy to see her and tell her about the experiences at school. I told her about the games we played and the friends I made at school, she was smiling at me the whole time and happy to see me happy.
That was the first time I had spent the whole day without my parents…….
Now that I think of it…it was not that bad…J

This was the account of my first day at school.

Coimbatore!!! (South India) a place of wonders^^

It is true that going to places u have never been to, brings u happiness, wisdom, strength, the urge to travel, and imprints in u'r mind wonderful memories of scenes u have never imagined of dreaming or seeing^^

The people, natural scenic beauty, animals, all become one as u realize soon enough that u r a part of the place, especially when the ambiance makes u feel at home.

Coimbatore is one such place, it's not that I’m being partial towards any other country, state, city, or anything, frankly speaking i have been to very li'll places and the one which caught my eye was this city, way down in the south of India, in the state of Tamil Nadu. Once u travel to such places do u wonder, see to which extent the people ca b generous and helping towards a fellow in distress. The helping mentality and generosity of the people have crossed my expectations, and have helped me develop the being I’m now, it is one of these places that inspire u , and helps u cultivate the seed of the helping mentality. Of all the days of my stay at Coimbatore i met some very vibrant and jolly people who in their very hilarious style taught me a very important lesson, live u'r life in a carefree manner with a lil hint of care of what they r doing. yesterday we went out for shopping and met with a very vibrant and funny old timer who helped us around the city, the good thing about these people r that they are always ready to help u and won't complain about anything even if u make they run about 4 something. Another feature of the people there are that they r all well wishers of the community, my father bought a bike that day and that auto driver, i mean an auto driver who is of no relation to us gave us his blessings and well wishes on the new purchase. They give u the treatment meant 4 a v.i.p. and even though he took us around almost the whole city he only asked for 500 bucks, this goes to show that there are still people out there who strive to serve society without asking much in return, he was a fun man to hang out with, he helped us bargain, find the best place for ice-cream, and jewelry, and stuff like that.

This innocence and good behavior has also got the animals by storm, the day i got to my house in Coimbatore there was a dog, a very cute one i should say, hehe, held out his paws, at first i did not understand what he was trying to do, but then it struck me, he was trying to extend a warm hand 4 a complimentary shaking, and u know it was no pure breed dog, it was a stray one, it's not just the people but also the animals who r a bag of surprises. And speaking of the religious places it's the best i have until now seen, all serene and quite, without any hustle and bustle. There are a lot to share but as this is going to be a long one i have to stop here and thank god 4 all the wonderful experiences.

Mankind's biggest flaw!

The main flaw of mankind is fear itself, fear of not existing, fear of taking risks and losing everything that they have, fear of humility and fear of losing their lives. But some of them don't realize that in doing so they may end up losing something more important, their dignity and the true essence of life.

Life is all about taking risks and enjoying every aspect of it no matter how hard it may be. God made us and the whole universe with one hand and it is god who wishes us to take up the challenge and discover the unknown.
For instance god created natural scenic beauty, various types of organisms, amongst other things.
Why??? He wanted mankind to understand the beauty of all of it and above all his miracles. There are people who go out, explore and be one with nature, be one with god.
Nature for instance is the main component on the planet that holds the key to the door's of heaven. Nature is as magnanimous as god himself, but if not respected or misused can any moment take away all that he has given.
Life is all about loving and caring, and living in harmony and in tune with nature, always remembering that all things are one and the same and conversing with the soul of the world through your soul, as Paulo Coelho described.
People say that the net has made the world a smaller world, true!!... but only on a small scale, to truly understand the magic of life and god we must let our souls to wander and explore. People fear the pettiest of reasons, may it be a frog to the grunt of a cow on the street. We must learn to overcome this fear and learn to love. loving god's creations is loving god itself and loving god itself holds the secret to eternal bliss. Love is the universal language of god, the language without words, the language that has the power to captivate and cure. The language understood by all organisms big and small alike, the best examples can be given through an animals context.

You don't have to pay any price for expressing love, all it takes is a gentle caress, with a sparkle in u'r eyes and a smile on the face can work wonders, and when u experience love like this it feels like god is in u, and the smile comes naturally.
Recently i made a trip to my uncle's place down south, we were unloading our luggage when 2 dogs came barking at us, as usual my mother and aunt were terrified, my uncle said that the dogs were mad and would not back down from biting, but there was something in the dogs eye's that were telling a different story, it held anguish and sadness. I felt sorry for them stepped forward, to stroke them on the head despite my uncles words, and to every ones surprise the dogs cuddled down near my feet, All they were doing were trying to get a little attention b,coz all these years they were considered an outcast by society, all they experienced were harsh words and stones hitting their already bruised bodies. Now they r like our family.
It is as David Blake said, God is in a grain of sand and even a flower, this energy is everywhere, it's up to us to find it.^_^


Ever noticed the special little thought that would steal u'r sleep at night? The special thought that give's u the boost of happiness and hope? The special thought that tells u that nothing is impossible and inculcates in u the urge to fulfill u'r destiny and make the most out of what life has to offer?

May it be good or bad it always gives us an assurance that we can imprint our footprints on the sands of time and become immortal in the eyes of the coming generations.

yup..!! u guessed it that special thought is your dream.

Dreams r interpreted by diff. people in diff. ways..., as good, as bad, as hard to make true and so on..b'coz they let their fears to overcome their very existence and diminish the very light of hope that burns within them.
there r some people that fight the difficult war of life and enjoy every aspect of it. They go ahead and set their best foot forward and show that they have what it takes to fulfill ones destiny and complete what others have left undone.
We all have dreams, but dreaming is not the hard part but making it into reality is the real challenge.
The very reason that people feel depressed and laid back is the fact that they don't have faith in their abilities and most importantly in themselves. That is not the way it is to be done,if we let our dreams fly off with the wind we will be just like a grain of sand among other grains on the beach. But if we follow our own principles, raise the sails of our own beliefs and do what our heart tells us to, we might instead of being a grain of sand, be a wonderful sea shell on this beach called life.

Some of us do not follow our dreams for fear of losing, humiliation and sometimes even death,, but the secret of life as quoted by Paulo Coelho is to "fall 7 times and get up 8 times" i.e. we must fight to reach our destiny or die realizing it! Those who dream should show non-dreamers how to dream, convince them that life although has some difficulties in store for them, yet they can overcome them with a smile on their face.
The will of the heart decides our destiny, for to achieve our goals we must not only act...but also dream, not only plan...but also believe. There comes a time in life, after years of dedication and hard work your dreams have not paid of.. and when u think that there's no point in going on any more... that is when u should remember that there is a child deep within your heart just waiting to be discovered by you so that it can show u the real beauty of life and the true meaning of u'r being. It is when the child reveals to u the meaning of life that u remember - who u were?..who u r?..and what u do?....u dream..!!!! always remember who u r? u'r a dreamer. Let not u'r fears stand in the way of u'r dreams, and let u'r path to u'r destiny bring u wisdom...