
Hey there, My name's Sharan, a small town kid from India, lots of hobbies, check my profile out for more info on me... as for this blog its something I do for fun and topics are random.. like, share and subscribe, but most importantly... NJOY :)


Tuesday 24 July 2012

A Party Full Of Wacky Appetite's xD

This post is in continuance to the last post "All For Just A Cake~"

Ohk so today was the D Day... the day of the much awaited freshers party... energy and excitement flowing here and there... as well as highly prestigious and equally egoistic students of the ~BBM~ department...

As the final preparations for the arrangement were going on it was only a matter of seconds before the freshers entered the MCA seminar hall..

Tick tock the clock went as it reached the final beats on the seconds finger.. preparations under check... decorations, refreshments, agenda, prayer song and group songs.. all of it .. ~ DONE!!

First of was the prayer song and then commenced the program.. the program was then started of with the introduction of the first years, with some supervised ragging taking place in the form of lot games... making them do funny stuff which they would never do normally...

Anyways no one seemed interested in the intro.. ~which was quite boring to be frank~ ... instead the seniors.. our batch the 2 years were more and hard heartily interested in the lump of 5 kgs hoarded on the bench .. the friggin awesome butterscotch Cake~ xD

With all honors I'll re-view the menu for today.. there was veg rolls, ice~cream, Cold drinks and cake.... with such a lot of items the things that reached the first years stomach were a handful of stuff.. namely one piece of cake, one glass of Mirinda, and one ice cream each... the rest .... lol was consumed by us... second years... everybody gorged down on the delicacies as if there was no tomorrow... xD

I'm not gonna lie to you guys but hahaha i was among them too... :P I couldn't stand the delicacies pulling my eyes towards it out of my sockets so instead i pulled the edibles inside my stomach :P ...

...and among the commotion there were guys flicking ice cream units and Mirinda bottles... it was of no suprise to me.... see I was among them too... lol so with out revealing too much of what I did I'll conclude by bringing up the same question I put up yesterday in my post ~All For Just A Cake~

"why the hell is the second years concerned about the flavor of the cake whereas the party is for the freshers and the 1st years ain't complaining...? " .. ~

Guess i found out the answer behind it today itself :P

" because we friggin paid money for all of the stuff"~ :P

Problem First Years... xD

Peace out xD

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