
Hey there, My name's Sharan, a small town kid from India, lots of hobbies, check my profile out for more info on me... as for this blog its something I do for fun and topics are random.. like, share and subscribe, but most importantly... NJOY :)


Saturday 21 July 2012


Ever noticed the special little thought that would steal u'r sleep at night? The special thought that give's u the boost of happiness and hope? The special thought that tells u that nothing is impossible and inculcates in u the urge to fulfill u'r destiny and make the most out of what life has to offer?

May it be good or bad it always gives us an assurance that we can imprint our footprints on the sands of time and become immortal in the eyes of the coming generations.

yup..!! u guessed it that special thought is your dream.

Dreams r interpreted by diff. people in diff. ways..., as good, as bad, as hard to make true and so on..b'coz they let their fears to overcome their very existence and diminish the very light of hope that burns within them.
there r some people that fight the difficult war of life and enjoy every aspect of it. They go ahead and set their best foot forward and show that they have what it takes to fulfill ones destiny and complete what others have left undone.
We all have dreams, but dreaming is not the hard part but making it into reality is the real challenge.
The very reason that people feel depressed and laid back is the fact that they don't have faith in their abilities and most importantly in themselves. That is not the way it is to be done,if we let our dreams fly off with the wind we will be just like a grain of sand among other grains on the beach. But if we follow our own principles, raise the sails of our own beliefs and do what our heart tells us to, we might instead of being a grain of sand, be a wonderful sea shell on this beach called life.

Some of us do not follow our dreams for fear of losing, humiliation and sometimes even death,, but the secret of life as quoted by Paulo Coelho is to "fall 7 times and get up 8 times" i.e. we must fight to reach our destiny or die realizing it! Those who dream should show non-dreamers how to dream, convince them that life although has some difficulties in store for them, yet they can overcome them with a smile on their face.
The will of the heart decides our destiny, for to achieve our goals we must not only act...but also dream, not only plan...but also believe. There comes a time in life, after years of dedication and hard work your dreams have not paid of.. and when u think that there's no point in going on any more... that is when u should remember that there is a child deep within your heart just waiting to be discovered by you so that it can show u the real beauty of life and the true meaning of u'r being. It is when the child reveals to u the meaning of life that u remember - who u were?..who u r?..and what u do?....u dream..!!!! always remember who u r? u'r a dreamer. Let not u'r fears stand in the way of u'r dreams, and let u'r path to u'r destiny bring u wisdom...

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